In this chapter, we learn that there are nine stars on the palm of the emperor's hand and nine tails on the body of a tiger. The king of heaven is a beast with nine tails, but the king of earth is a human with only nine tails. In other words, the king has nine tails and the emperor has only nine eyes. He tells his son to call him master and to follow his master's commands. He also tells him to keep an eye out for the fire in the distance.
In this chapter, we learn that there are nine stars on the palm of the emperor's hand and nine tails on the body of a tiger. The king of heaven is a beast with nine tails, but the king of earth is a human with only nine tails. In other words, the king has nine tails and the emperor has only nine eyes. He tells his son to call him master and to follow his master's commands. He also tells him to keep an eye out for the fire in the distance.