Whispers In The Walls

Whispers In The Walls • Book 1: Sarah, Part 4 • Page ik-page-4388369
Book 1: Sarah, Part 4
This is a locked chapterBook 1: Sarah, Part 4
About This Chapter
When she wakes up, she realizes that she's been bitten by the cat, which is falling down the tree. She's not sure what's going on, but she knows it's a broken bone. She tells the doctor to take her to the hospital immediately. The doctor tells her to tell simon that despite the medication, she is changing, and that he needs to talk to him immediately. She says she'll be fine, but that she doesn't know what to tell him. She wants to know what he's thinking, and she begs him not to move, but he says he'll tell her what to do. He tells her that the light in her eyes is burning, and it will take time for her body to adjust to the new light. She promises to get her out of the hospital, and tells her sister that she can come back any time.
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Whispers In The Walls

Whispers In The Walls • Book 1: Sarah, Part 4 • Page ik-page-4388369
Book 1: Sarah, Part 4
This is a locked chapterBook 1: Sarah, Part 4
About This Chapter
When she wakes up, she realizes that she's been bitten by the cat, which is falling down the tree. She's not sure what's going on, but she knows it's a broken bone. She tells the doctor to take her to the hospital immediately. The doctor tells her to tell simon that despite the medication, she is changing, and that he needs to talk to him immediately. She says she'll be fine, but that she doesn't know what to tell him. She wants to know what he's thinking, and she begs him not to move, but he says he'll tell her what to do. He tells her that the light in her eyes is burning, and it will take time for her body to adjust to the new light. She promises to get her out of the hospital, and tells her sister that she can come back any time.
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