In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, Hinata. She is a young woman who has just returned from a trip to Japan and is in the middle of a conversation with her lover, Mr. Kishida. The protagonist is overjoyed to be back in Japan, but he is also aware of the fact that his trip has been interrupted by the arrival of a message from the Governess. The Governess tells Hinata that she will be coming to visit her in her hotel room, but that she must return to the hotel immediately. She tells the protagonist that she has to return to her room immediately, as she will not be able to stay in the hotel for long.
In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, Hinata. She is a young woman who has just returned from a trip to Japan and is in the middle of a conversation with her lover, Mr. Kishida. The protagonist is overjoyed to be back in Japan, but he is also aware of the fact that his trip has been interrupted by the arrival of a message from the Governess. The Governess tells Hinata that she will be coming to visit her in her hotel room, but that she must return to the hotel immediately. She tells the protagonist that she has to return to her room immediately, as she will not be able to stay in the hotel for long.