Your Cumming Face Is Unforgivable The Mean-Spirited Boss Makes The Virgin Wet With One Hand • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-4352535
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
It's morning, and Shu-Tsukasa is still asleep. He wakes up and tells everyone that he's just got to do his best to take care of his son. He tells them to get up and get ready for work, and then he'll leave them to their own devices. He's got a meeting with a client scheduled for 4 o'clock, but it's not going to happen. He asks his assistant if she's ready for the job, and she tells him that she'd be happy to help if he needs her help. He then tells them that the project they're working on is getting a lot of attention, and they should drop it from their side if they still don't like it.
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Your Cumming Face Is Unforgivable The Mean-Spirited Boss Makes The Virgin Wet With One Hand • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-4352535
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
It's morning, and Shu-Tsukasa is still asleep. He wakes up and tells everyone that he's just got to do his best to take care of his son. He tells them to get up and get ready for work, and then he'll leave them to their own devices. He's got a meeting with a client scheduled for 4 o'clock, but it's not going to happen. He asks his assistant if she's ready for the job, and she tells him that she'd be happy to help if he needs her help. He then tells them that the project they're working on is getting a lot of attention, and they should drop it from their side if they still don't like it.
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