The next morning, the three of them go back to the palace, where they find that the king is still asleep. He has been looking for the prince for eight years, and now that he has found him, he will never forget what they agreed to. The prince is still trembling, but he is comforted by the knowledge that his brother has brought him a gift: a green plum tree, which he used to eat when he was a child. The smell of the plum reminds the prince of his childhood love for the tree, and he is glad to have something to eat.
The next morning, the three of them go back to the palace, where they find that the king is still asleep. He has been looking for the prince for eight years, and now that he has found him, he will never forget what they agreed to. The prince is still trembling, but he is comforted by the knowledge that his brother has brought him a gift: a green plum tree, which he used to eat when he was a child. The smell of the plum reminds the prince of his childhood love for the tree, and he is glad to have something to eat.