Land of Snow

Land of Snow • Chapter 119 • Page ik-page-2633833
Chapter 119
This is a locked chapterChapter 119
About This Chapter
The next morning, Dr. Manette tells the audience that he will not be talking about special treatment. Instead, he will tell them about two sick kids behind the screen. They are suffering from a "demonic illness" and the doctor cannot cure them. He tells them that he is a "divine doctor," but that he only kills people and doesn't save them. The kids' meridians are "very strange" and they are filled with "cold poison" . The kid's internal energy is weak too, but he is still able to survive. He says that the kid has a "wisp of qi" in his body that flows "in reverse" , and he has a guess as to whether or not the kid was poisoned. He also says that if the kid is able to swallow his blood, there is an "80% chance the result" will be a slice of his own blood. He then says that this kid possesses "a long lost and very fierce martial art" that was created a hundred years before by a genius. This martial art was strong in the world but soon turned "crazy" and died. If the kid continues to practice his martial art, he is sure to become a "freak like me"
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Land of Snow

Land of Snow • Chapter 119 • Page ik-page-2633833
Chapter 119
This is a locked chapterChapter 119
About This Chapter
The next morning, Dr. Manette tells the audience that he will not be talking about special treatment. Instead, he will tell them about two sick kids behind the screen. They are suffering from a "demonic illness" and the doctor cannot cure them. He tells them that he is a "divine doctor," but that he only kills people and doesn't save them. The kids' meridians are "very strange" and they are filled with "cold poison" . The kid's internal energy is weak too, but he is still able to survive. He says that the kid has a "wisp of qi" in his body that flows "in reverse" , and he has a guess as to whether or not the kid was poisoned. He also says that if the kid is able to swallow his blood, there is an "80% chance the result" will be a slice of his own blood. He then says that this kid possesses "a long lost and very fierce martial art" that was created a hundred years before by a genius. This martial art was strong in the world but soon turned "crazy" and died. If the kid continues to practice his martial art, he is sure to become a "freak like me"
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