In this short scene, Mr. Lorry, the owner of a cafe in New York City, chats with a young woman named Julia. Julia is working as a waiter at the cafe, and she tells him that she'd like to be his partner because she's such a good person. Julia says that she doesn't know why, but she does know that she likes the cafe so much that she wants to be a part of it. She wants to make sure that the waiter knows how to behave when she wants him to be close to her, so that she can rub his skin and make him feel as though he's her own person.
In this short scene, Mr. Lorry, the owner of a cafe in New York City, chats with a young woman named Julia. Julia is working as a waiter at the cafe, and she tells him that she'd like to be his partner because she's such a good person. Julia says that she doesn't know why, but she does know that she likes the cafe so much that she wants to be a part of it. She wants to make sure that the waiter knows how to behave when she wants him to be close to her, so that she can rub his skin and make him feel as though he's her own person.