The Governess is in the middle of a conversation with the Governess's servant, who is trying to calm her down. The servant tells her that she should not worry about what's going on in the house because she's fine. She tells him that she'll be fine, but she doesn't want him to worry about her. He says that he's sorry, but he'll take care of it later. She's glad to see him, because she was worried about what he was going to do to her. She asks him if he was hurt, and he says he wasn't, because he hit him first. He apologizes for hitting him first, and she says he was about to die. He's so glad that he didn't hit her first. She says that she was just trying to be more mature, and that she still hasn't found a good match for her big brother. She apologizes again, saying that she hit him because he was bigger than her, and not because she did anything wrong. She admits that she did hit him
The Governess is in the middle of a conversation with the Governess's servant, who is trying to calm her down. The servant tells her that she should not worry about what's going on in the house because she's fine. She tells him that she'll be fine, but she doesn't want him to worry about her. He says that he's sorry, but he'll take care of it later. She's glad to see him, because she was worried about what he was going to do to her. She asks him if he was hurt, and he says he wasn't, because he hit him first. He apologizes for hitting him first, and she says he was about to die. He's so glad that he didn't hit her first. She says that she was just trying to be more mature, and that she still hasn't found a good match for her big brother. She apologizes again, saying that she hit him because he was bigger than her, and not because she did anything wrong. She admits that she did hit him