Sugar Dating

Sugar Dating • Chapter 24 • Page ik-page-4161989
Chapter 24
This is a locked chapterChapter 24
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a conversation between the two girls in the copy room. They're talking about a party they're going to have, and the girl asks the girl if she'd like to go. The girl says she'll go, but she doesn't want to go to a party after she's never been to one of their parties, so she tells the girl she can't go. She tells her that the party will be hers alone, and that everyone will be scared off by the fact that she is there. She says that she thinks everyone at the party was scared off because they heard that she was coming, and she says that's why they were all so scared off at the last party. She also says that at the previous party, the guys were all drunk, which reminds her of how much she likes the guy who holds his liquor. She asks if the girl is really in love with him, and he says no, but that she should be careful about talking about it to anyone, because if she did, everyone would think she was cheating on him with someone else. The
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Sugar Dating

Sugar Dating • Chapter 24 • Page ik-page-4161989
Chapter 24
This is a locked chapterChapter 24
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a conversation between the two girls in the copy room. They're talking about a party they're going to have, and the girl asks the girl if she'd like to go. The girl says she'll go, but she doesn't want to go to a party after she's never been to one of their parties, so she tells the girl she can't go. She tells her that the party will be hers alone, and that everyone will be scared off by the fact that she is there. She says that she thinks everyone at the party was scared off because they heard that she was coming, and she says that's why they were all so scared off at the last party. She also says that at the previous party, the guys were all drunk, which reminds her of how much she likes the guy who holds his liquor. She asks if the girl is really in love with him, and he says no, but that she should be careful about talking about it to anyone, because if she did, everyone would think she was cheating on him with someone else. The
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