Sugar Dating

Sugar Dating • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4161988
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we find out what it's like to be in love with a sugar daddy. We learn that he's not a fan of showing off his orgasms on his face, so he decides to do something "shocking" and "nerve-wracking" . He's going to eat a woman out, and he'll do it in such a way as to make her lose her "poker face" , which is basically the way she looks when she's having sex with a man. This is going to be a lot of fun, and we're going to have to wait until the end of the chapter to see what happens.
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Sugar Dating

Sugar Dating • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4161988
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we find out what it's like to be in love with a sugar daddy. We learn that he's not a fan of showing off his orgasms on his face, so he decides to do something "shocking" and "nerve-wracking" . He's going to eat a woman out, and he'll do it in such a way as to make her lose her "poker face" , which is basically the way she looks when she's having sex with a man. This is going to be a lot of fun, and we're going to have to wait until the end of the chapter to see what happens.
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