In this short scene, we learn that the young man is engaged in a sexual relationship with his "sister" . The two have been having sex for two days and three days, and the girl's nipples seem to be erect. The young man tries to get the girl to "squish" a kiss, but she refuses, saying that they're just "pre tending" to each other. He tries to grab her butt, but it's too soft for him to do anything with it. He's worried that his "fin gers" are "sinking" into his butt and he tries to pull them out of the way, but they won't let him. He wonders if they were just trying to make her "cum" , and he asks if they made her do it.
In this short scene, we learn that the young man is engaged in a sexual relationship with his "sister" . The two have been having sex for two days and three days, and the girl's nipples seem to be erect. The young man tries to get the girl to "squish" a kiss, but she refuses, saying that they're just "pre tending" to each other. He tries to grab her butt, but it's too soft for him to do anything with it. He's worried that his "fin gers" are "sinking" into his butt and he tries to pull them out of the way, but they won't let him. He wonders if they were just trying to make her "cum" , and he asks if they made her do it.