The next morning, the Governess complains to her servant, Yuuta, that she has not been able to hide her boobs. She tells him that she will not do it again. The Governess tells Yuuta that she forgot to go to the doctor's office for her 4th period, and that if the doctor finds out that she is a woman, she will take him to an infirmary. When Yuuta asks if she can stay a bit longer, she is told that the doctor is not there right now. She tries to squeeze her way into the room, but she is unable to do so because she is wet. When she tries to put her finger in her mouth, she feels a twitch on her finger, and she cries out, "I'm sorry, no twitch tiny tremble . . I'm inside me . whoa . my insides is spreading ! . pant twitch . you are amazing ! shudder pant . squeeze squeeze squeeze , you are awesome ! pant twitch squeeze . the doctor will find out what is going on .
The next morning, the Governess complains to her servant, Yuuta, that she has not been able to hide her boobs. She tells him that she will not do it again. The Governess tells Yuuta that she forgot to go to the doctor's office for her 4th period, and that if the doctor finds out that she is a woman, she will take him to an infirmary. When Yuuta asks if she can stay a bit longer, she is told that the doctor is not there right now. She tries to squeeze her way into the room, but she is unable to do so because she is wet. When she tries to put her finger in her mouth, she feels a twitch on her finger, and she cries out, "I'm sorry, no twitch tiny tremble . . I'm inside me . whoa . my insides is spreading ! . pant twitch . you are amazing ! shudder pant . squeeze squeeze squeeze , you are awesome ! pant twitch squeeze . the doctor will find out what is going on .