The Governess, who is on a trip with her friends, is getting ready to go to bed when she hears a girl's teasing another girl. The girl is sleeping next to her, and the Governess is sure that the girl is trying to get her to have sex with her. She tries to get the girl to let her have sex, but the girl won't let her in the room. She tells the girl that she's sorry she has to be like that, even though they're on the trip, but she doesn't want her friends to think that she only has sex in mind when she says that. She says that she wants them to have fun in the company of other girls, even if it means that she has sex with them.
The Governess, who is on a trip with her friends, is getting ready to go to bed when she hears a girl's teasing another girl. The girl is sleeping next to her, and the Governess is sure that the girl is trying to get her to have sex with her. She tries to get the girl to let her have sex, but the girl won't let her in the room. She tells the girl that she's sorry she has to be like that, even though they're on the trip, but she doesn't want her friends to think that she only has sex in mind when she says that. She says that she wants them to have fun in the company of other girls, even if it means that she has sex with them.