This chapter opens with a flashback to Hiroshi's childhood, when he and his friend, a girl he calls "a childhood friend," were hanging out together. Hiroshi tells the girl that he works for an affiliate company of his, and that she has been staying at his house for a while. The girl tells him that she came to eat his cooking, and he tells her that she is welcome to come back anytime she wants. She leaves, and Hiroshi and the girl drink together.
This chapter opens with a flashback to Hiroshi's childhood, when he and his friend, a girl he calls "a childhood friend," were hanging out together. Hiroshi tells the girl that he works for an affiliate company of his, and that she has been staying at his house for a while. The girl tells him that she came to eat his cooking, and he tells her that she is welcome to come back anytime she wants. She leaves, and Hiroshi and the girl drink together.