The servant tells the story of how he escaped from his master's house. He had been ordered not to leave the room without paying for the meal, but the young master had ordered the guards to keep him in the room, so he went through a hole in the wall to escape. When he returned to the town, he heard rumors that some xirong bandits were trying to enter the town. A group of soldiers from the tie family had come to chase them off, but they had never seen a crop carriage pass by, so the bandits had to go through the town to get to the pass.
The servant tells the story of how he escaped from his master's house. He had been ordered not to leave the room without paying for the meal, but the young master had ordered the guards to keep him in the room, so he went through a hole in the wall to escape. When he returned to the town, he heard rumors that some xirong bandits were trying to enter the town. A group of soldiers from the tie family had come to chase them off, but they had never seen a crop carriage pass by, so the bandits had to go through the town to get to the pass.