Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-3632618
Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-3632460
Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-3632461
Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-3632462
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a crow's-eye view of the scene in front of the emperor's palace. It's obvious that the emperor has come to pay his respects to the emperor, and that he's been snubbed by the young man who insulted him. The young man, who we'll call "little brother" , is clearly hurt, and the emperor scolds him for his behavior. He also scolds his older sister, "yunwu-nishang," for being so cruel to her brother. The elder nishang scolds little brother for being too strong for his own good, and tells him that she'll always be with him, even if he doesn't like her anymore. Little brother, you're not going to abandon your older sister after all, says little brother. This is the first time that little brother has ever been so strong, and it's terrible that he tricked his sister into it. He says that he won't be able to be friends with her anymore, and he vows that they'll never be friends again. He offers to teach her some of his cultivation techniques, and she agrees to go with him.
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Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-3632618
Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-3632460
Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-3632461
Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-3632462
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a crow's-eye view of the scene in front of the emperor's palace. It's obvious that the emperor has come to pay his respects to the emperor, and that he's been snubbed by the young man who insulted him. The young man, who we'll call "little brother" , is clearly hurt, and the emperor scolds him for his behavior. He also scolds his older sister, "yunwu-nishang," for being so cruel to her brother. The elder nishang scolds little brother for being too strong for his own good, and tells him that she'll always be with him, even if he doesn't like her anymore. Little brother, you're not going to abandon your older sister after all, says little brother. This is the first time that little brother has ever been so strong, and it's terrible that he tricked his sister into it. He says that he won't be able to be friends with her anymore, and he vows that they'll never be friends again. He offers to teach her some of his cultivation techniques, and she agrees to go with him.
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