Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-3625913
Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-3618206
Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-3618207
Chapter 20
This is a locked chapterChapter 20
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of the frozen world, which is described as a "world of white snowflakes" . The narrator tells us that he has been staying in a cave for healing since he was seriously injured, and that his wound is getting better. Five figures are looking for him, and he says he doesn't know whether they're bad guys or not. He says they've been in the world for several days, and they haven't seen anyone. He's bored to death. They hurry up to protect their junior sister, who has asked them to help her. They say they don't want to waste their time with this "jerk" , so they'll kill him. The young woman says her dog is showing its loyalty to her, and she says she'll take him with them. They're from the Ancient Primeval Kingdom, so it's cool that they belong to the ancient kingdom, but the young woman can't figure out why he's complaining about his low cultivation base, since he'll be dead within two days.
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Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-3625913
Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-3618206
Golden Crow from Chaos: Season 1 • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-3618207
Chapter 20
This is a locked chapterChapter 20
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of the frozen world, which is described as a "world of white snowflakes" . The narrator tells us that he has been staying in a cave for healing since he was seriously injured, and that his wound is getting better. Five figures are looking for him, and he says he doesn't know whether they're bad guys or not. He says they've been in the world for several days, and they haven't seen anyone. He's bored to death. They hurry up to protect their junior sister, who has asked them to help her. They say they don't want to waste their time with this "jerk" , so they'll kill him. The young woman says her dog is showing its loyalty to her, and she says she'll take him with them. They're from the Ancient Primeval Kingdom, so it's cool that they belong to the ancient kingdom, but the young woman can't figure out why he's complaining about his low cultivation base, since he'll be dead within two days.
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