The chapter opens with a conversation between a young man named Yuuki and a young woman named Mami. The young man tells Mami that he is a regular at the club and that he wants to tell the girl that he loves her boyfriend, but Mami does not want to tell anyone because she is not allowed to do so. The girl tells the young man that she is worried about him and that she wants to know why he did not tell her that he was in love with her. Yuuki tells her that she should have told him that she and her boyfriend were in love and that they were going out together. He apologizes for his rudeness and Mami tells him that they can go out together as an apology.
The chapter opens with a conversation between a young man named Yuuki and a young woman named Mami. The young man tells Mami that he is a regular at the club and that he wants to tell the girl that he loves her boyfriend, but Mami does not want to tell anyone because she is not allowed to do so. The girl tells the young man that she is worried about him and that she wants to know why he did not tell her that he was in love with her. Yuuki tells her that she should have told him that she and her boyfriend were in love and that they were going out together. He apologizes for his rudeness and Mami tells him that they can go out together as an apology.