
Pandora • Chapter 37 • Page ik-page-3495730
Pandora • Chapter 37 • Page ik-page-3495486
Pandora • Chapter 37 • Page ik-page-3495487
Pandora • Chapter 37 • Page ik-page-3495488
Pandora • Chapter 37 • Page ik-page-3495489
Chapter 37
This is a locked chapterChapter 37
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the gatecrasher is an important part of the plot. It is the most efficient way for the slaves to escape from captivity, and it is also the most effective way for them to kill the king. In fact, it is the only way that they were able to overthrow the king and the dynasty. Fortunately, the scientist who was trapped in the capsule was able to escape. He extracted four embryos from the king's body and froze them. The embryos were transformed into super warriors and transformed humans into superhuman beings. The enemies in the coup came back and attacked again. The task of protecting the crown prince was to keep him safe. This means that the alien in the body has an alien inside him, and he does not seem to understand anything. This is because the alien still cannot fully control the embryos in his own body. Therefore, the memories in the embryos cannot be transmitted to the human body. The space in the room seems to have returned. The advantage of using huilin as a host is that there are no space yin offsets.
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Pandora • Chapter 37 • Page ik-page-3495730
Pandora • Chapter 37 • Page ik-page-3495486
Pandora • Chapter 37 • Page ik-page-3495487
Pandora • Chapter 37 • Page ik-page-3495488
Pandora • Chapter 37 • Page ik-page-3495489
Chapter 37
This is a locked chapterChapter 37
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the gatecrasher is an important part of the plot. It is the most efficient way for the slaves to escape from captivity, and it is also the most effective way for them to kill the king. In fact, it is the only way that they were able to overthrow the king and the dynasty. Fortunately, the scientist who was trapped in the capsule was able to escape. He extracted four embryos from the king's body and froze them. The embryos were transformed into super warriors and transformed humans into superhuman beings. The enemies in the coup came back and attacked again. The task of protecting the crown prince was to keep him safe. This means that the alien in the body has an alien inside him, and he does not seem to understand anything. This is because the alien still cannot fully control the embryos in his own body. Therefore, the memories in the embryos cannot be transmitted to the human body. The space in the room seems to have returned. The advantage of using huilin as a host is that there are no space yin offsets.
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