In this short scene, Zhengzhou introduces his friends to the basics of first aid. Everyone is so excited to meet Zhengzhou's new friend, huilin yin, that they cheer wildly. Zhengzhou, however, doesn't know why he hasn't been able to see his friend , zhu , for a long time. He tells us that he used to be a classmate of hers at primary school, and that she's the "idol in everyone's heart" . He says that he wishes that one day he could become friends with everybody, but every time he tried, he ended up staying away from her. He calls her "weird stepdaughter" , and she calls him "bummer heavy thud." Zhengzhou is so happy to meet his new friend that he declares that they'll be best friends forever
In this short scene, Zhengzhou introduces his friends to the basics of first aid. Everyone is so excited to meet Zhengzhou's new friend, huilin yin, that they cheer wildly. Zhengzhou, however, doesn't know why he hasn't been able to see his friend , zhu , for a long time. He tells us that he used to be a classmate of hers at primary school, and that she's the "idol in everyone's heart" . He says that he wishes that one day he could become friends with everybody, but every time he tried, he ended up staying away from her. He calls her "weird stepdaughter" , and she calls him "bummer heavy thud." Zhengzhou is so happy to meet his new friend that he declares that they'll be best friends forever