Riding Shotgun

Riding Shotgun • Vol.2 Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-65305
Riding Shotgun • Vol.2 Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-65306
Riding Shotgun • Vol.2 Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-65307
Vol.2 Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterVol.2 Chapter 9
About This Chapter
The police arrive at the house and find that the door has been opened and the door to the attic has been unlocked. The police tell the family that they will take them in by surprise and that the mother will have to get out of the way. The boy realizes that he has been waiting all day for the police to arrive. He realizes that the officer is twice his size and that he is afraid of him. He tells his mother to stay in the way, and the boy continues to punch the police officer. The punch feels good and he forgets his ribs for a second, but he cant believe that it is over. The irony is that all this will make him a cop again.
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Riding Shotgun

Riding Shotgun • Vol.2 Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-65305
Riding Shotgun • Vol.2 Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-65306
Riding Shotgun • Vol.2 Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-65307
Vol.2 Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterVol.2 Chapter 9
About This Chapter
The police arrive at the house and find that the door has been opened and the door to the attic has been unlocked. The police tell the family that they will take them in by surprise and that the mother will have to get out of the way. The boy realizes that he has been waiting all day for the police to arrive. He realizes that the officer is twice his size and that he is afraid of him. He tells his mother to stay in the way, and the boy continues to punch the police officer. The punch feels good and he forgets his ribs for a second, but he cant believe that it is over. The irony is that all this will make him a cop again.
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