In this short scene, the narrator introduces us to a group of students who are in love with the food served in the cafeteria. The students are from different dormitories in the school, and they all have different tastes in food. One student is into the "dump" and the other is into "double pudding." The narrator tries to convince the students that they are from the pinnacle of their education and deserve better than the dump, but they refuse to listen to him. He tells them to eat, devour, and ingest the food, and then he'll show them how to make a pudding. The narrator explains that the pudding is made from milk, sugar, eggs, and vanilla, and that it's sold out on the day of the pudding day. He then shows the students how to prepare the pudding, which is made with cream, egg custard, red bean jelly, and orange juice.
In this short scene, the narrator introduces us to a group of students who are in love with the food served in the cafeteria. The students are from different dormitories in the school, and they all have different tastes in food. One student is into the "dump" and the other is into "double pudding." The narrator tries to convince the students that they are from the pinnacle of their education and deserve better than the dump, but they refuse to listen to him. He tells them to eat, devour, and ingest the food, and then he'll show them how to make a pudding. The narrator explains that the pudding is made from milk, sugar, eggs, and vanilla, and that it's sold out on the day of the pudding day. He then shows the students how to prepare the pudding, which is made with cream, egg custard, red bean jelly, and orange juice.