Absolute Vision

Absolute Vision • Chapter 83 • Page ik-page-3913423
Chapter 83
This is a locked chapterChapter 83
About This Chapter
The two young men discuss the pros and cons of gambling. The young man says that he doesn't want to play in this game because it's his turn to play, and he wants to know what the cards will be. The dealer shows the public cards, and the first three are hearts, clubs, and spades. The next three are aces, one more ace, and two diamonds. The last two are diamonds, nine of diamonds. This is a pity that the young man is playing so poorly, because he'd have won two million for himself if he played the straight set of cards. He's not interested in the other players' cards, so he's leaving.
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Absolute Vision

Absolute Vision • Chapter 83 • Page ik-page-3913423
Chapter 83
This is a locked chapterChapter 83
About This Chapter
The two young men discuss the pros and cons of gambling. The young man says that he doesn't want to play in this game because it's his turn to play, and he wants to know what the cards will be. The dealer shows the public cards, and the first three are hearts, clubs, and spades. The next three are aces, one more ace, and two diamonds. The last two are diamonds, nine of diamonds. This is a pity that the young man is playing so poorly, because he'd have won two million for himself if he played the straight set of cards. He's not interested in the other players' cards, so he's leaving.
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