The next morning, the two young men go for a walk together. The narrator tells the young men that he has fallen in love with one of the men, and that he would feel joy, fear, and sourness if he were to fall in love again. The young men are impressed by the young man's ability to capture the essence of love in a single image, and the narrator tells them that he is the one who has won the match. He tells the men that fashion trend has sent him the pictures of his assistant, and they should send the pictures to him so that he can use them.
The next morning, the two young men go for a walk together. The narrator tells the young men that he has fallen in love with one of the men, and that he would feel joy, fear, and sourness if he were to fall in love again. The young men are impressed by the young man's ability to capture the essence of love in a single image, and the narrator tells them that he is the one who has won the match. He tells the men that fashion trend has sent him the pictures of his assistant, and they should send the pictures to him so that he can use them.