This is the spot where jiha died, and Lea is worried because she can't figure out why jiha came to this spot five years ago. She tells sehun that she always told him to be careful, but now she's worried that he's trying to find the place where she was last seen alive. Sehun says that it was for her protection, not for anyone else's, and that's why he was there. He tells her that she should never come to such a place again, since jiha chose to end his own life.
This is the spot where jiha died, and Lea is worried because she can't figure out why jiha came to this spot five years ago. She tells sehun that she always told him to be careful, but now she's worried that he's trying to find the place where she was last seen alive. Sehun says that it was for her protection, not for anyone else's, and that's why he was there. He tells her that she should never come to such a place again, since jiha chose to end his own life.