Pretty Violent

Pretty Violent • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-1143605
Pretty Violent • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-1143614
Pretty Violent • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-1143610
Chapter 11
This is a locked chapterChapter 11
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the "unseen" are dead, and that there is still one more thing left to be done: rebuilding the city of Bay City. The narrator tells us that the city is "buried under the hemlock" . He says that he is going to "fucking kill every fucking last one of you" and that he's going to call it "Maximum Prophet's Bay City" , which is a reference to the city's former name. He also says that the guy who made the city "dead" is also going to be killed. He tells the narrator that he knows the identity of the traitor, and says that it's not his fault that he lied to him about his family. He asks the narrator why he didn't tell him sooner, and the narrator tells him that he never meant to lie to him, but that he knew what he was talking about when he let him in. He adds that his whole family has accepted him, and now that "super love" is dead, there is only one thing to do before they can rebuild their kingdom and save "what ! ." The narrator sighs and says he doesn't want to destroy the city as his master has commanded, but he does want to meet his father. He explains that they use the rifts in the light to watch people "jerking off or have sex," and that they're using the light as a way to "watch people destabilize" or "have sex." He asks if he can come out of the shadows and kill count, but the narrator says he won't be hurt. He remembers hearing the voice of his father when he woke up in the cemetery, and he remembers that the last thing he
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Pretty Violent

Pretty Violent • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-1143605
Pretty Violent • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-1143614
Pretty Violent • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-1143610
Chapter 11
This is a locked chapterChapter 11
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the "unseen" are dead, and that there is still one more thing left to be done: rebuilding the city of Bay City. The narrator tells us that the city is "buried under the hemlock" . He says that he is going to "fucking kill every fucking last one of you" and that he's going to call it "Maximum Prophet's Bay City" , which is a reference to the city's former name. He also says that the guy who made the city "dead" is also going to be killed. He tells the narrator that he knows the identity of the traitor, and says that it's not his fault that he lied to him about his family. He asks the narrator why he didn't tell him sooner, and the narrator tells him that he never meant to lie to him, but that he knew what he was talking about when he let him in. He adds that his whole family has accepted him, and now that "super love" is dead, there is only one thing to do before they can rebuild their kingdom and save "what ! ." The narrator sighs and says he doesn't want to destroy the city as his master has commanded, but he does want to meet his father. He explains that they use the rifts in the light to watch people "jerking off or have sex," and that they're using the light as a way to "watch people destabilize" or "have sex." He asks if he can come out of the shadows and kill count, but the narrator says he won't be hurt. He remembers hearing the voice of his father when he woke up in the cemetery, and he remembers that the last thing he
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