The story opens with a young boy crying out for help during the seven-day battle between the Pandas and the Trojans. The boy's body starts to change, and he swallows porridge to continue the battle. The porridge comes from the western kingdom of Sumatra Kalimantan, where a young girl is being mistreated by her brothers. Her father goes to the neighboring kingdom of Mongolia for a week, leaving the girl alone with her siblings. One day, her brothers take her sister to a dark cave and leave her there for seven days. A holy man appears and turns the girl into a bird. The girl decides to live with her brothers from up the
The story opens with a young boy crying out for help during the seven-day battle between the Pandas and the Trojans. The boy's body starts to change, and he swallows porridge to continue the battle. The porridge comes from the western kingdom of Sumatra Kalimantan, where a young girl is being mistreated by her brothers. Her father goes to the neighboring kingdom of Mongolia for a week, leaving the girl alone with her siblings. One day, her brothers take her sister to a dark cave and leave her there for seven days. A holy man appears and turns the girl into a bird. The girl decides to live with her brothers from up the