In this short scene, we learn the story of a young man who was born with leprosy. He was sent away by his family on a raft to be healed by a man named Aji Melayu, who used his healing powers to heal the young man. The young man's family had a daughter, and the man came to invite him home to their village. When he returned home, his brothers shot the man with a cannon, but the man survived the duel and returned to his village with the news that he had won the fifth duel
In this short scene, we learn the story of a young man who was born with leprosy. He was sent away by his family on a raft to be healed by a man named Aji Melayu, who used his healing powers to heal the young man. The young man's family had a daughter, and the man came to invite him home to their village. When he returned home, his brothers shot the man with a cannon, but the man survived the duel and returned to his village with the news that he had won the fifth duel