The next morning, the Governess arrives at her mother's house and asks to speak with her. The Governess tells her that she has something to tell her: "nothing happened between Yao Ling and I that day" . She asks her mother to move out of the house so that she can talk to her privately. She tells her mother that she hasn't yet agreed to break up with her daughter-in-law, but that she doesn't want to break the relationship up yet.
The next morning, the Governess arrives at her mother's house and asks to speak with her. The Governess tells her that she has something to tell her: "nothing happened between Yao Ling and I that day" . She asks her mother to move out of the house so that she can talk to her privately. She tells her mother that she hasn't yet agreed to break up with her daughter-in-law, but that she doesn't want to break the relationship up yet.