In this chapter, we learn that Eunha's parents named him both because they wanted him to be strong, and because they were afraid that his brother's love would not be strong enough to protect him from the evil of his father's evil ways. In fact, both parents named their children the same way, so it's no surprise that they're both attracted to the same man. The man tells us that he's going to change, and he wants to talk to EunHa about it. He wants to know his name, and if he'll be able to give it to him. He's not going to tell him his real name, but if he doesn't, he will tell EunHA his name. He asks Eunhah what he does to relax, and Eun Ha says that he likes to go to the river, where he used to go when he was "having a hard time" . The river is a place where he can organize his thoughts, and when he tries to die there, he can go there and think of what he'd like to do next. He says that there's "nothing good" about getting too close to him, because he hates his brother to death, so he has a tracking device placed in his clothes and is tormenting him by chasing him around. He also says that if he were weak to alcohol, he would have to be weak to it, because his face is already "heated up" , which means that he has already done something wrong. He tells eunha that he approached her for her money, and she says that she was satisfied with the last night, so she'll let him go. He then tells her that he is on his way, and that