I Can’t Believe You’re Hard! The Fierce Gay Man and the Virgin With Low Self-Esteem • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-5176185
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Bara and Kate discuss their feelings for each other. Kate says that she and Bara have both had their hearts broken and that they're going to try their best to find each other a man who will love them. Bara says that he's been in the same sport as Kate for a long time, so he'll be able to relate to her better. Kate asks Bara if it's okay that the other women in the room aren't allowed to have their say in the matter. She's worried that they won't get along with each other, but Bara reassures her that they will. Kate tells Bara that she's heard of women leaving their jobs when they've gotten married, but she doesn't know why her husband left his job as a salesman. She also tells Kate that her husband's leaving the family business because he wants to take over the business. Kate is worried that this will make it harder for them to do their work. She asks if they can have some support from the K company, and Kate says they can. Kate wonders why it was so hard for her husband to leave his job. She wonders if it was because he knew how women felt, and she wonders if that's why it came out so unnatural. Kate agrees that it was natural for him to be attracted to women, but says that it didn't happen naturally.
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I Can’t Believe You’re Hard! The Fierce Gay Man and the Virgin With Low Self-Esteem • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-5176185
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Bara and Kate discuss their feelings for each other. Kate says that she and Bara have both had their hearts broken and that they're going to try their best to find each other a man who will love them. Bara says that he's been in the same sport as Kate for a long time, so he'll be able to relate to her better. Kate asks Bara if it's okay that the other women in the room aren't allowed to have their say in the matter. She's worried that they won't get along with each other, but Bara reassures her that they will. Kate tells Bara that she's heard of women leaving their jobs when they've gotten married, but she doesn't know why her husband left his job as a salesman. She also tells Kate that her husband's leaving the family business because he wants to take over the business. Kate is worried that this will make it harder for them to do their work. She asks if they can have some support from the K company, and Kate says they can. Kate wonders why it was so hard for her husband to leave his job. She wonders if it was because he knew how women felt, and she wonders if that's why it came out so unnatural. Kate agrees that it was natural for him to be attracted to women, but says that it didn't happen naturally.
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