I Can’t Believe You’re Hard! The Fierce Gay Man and the Virgin With Low Self-Esteem • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-5154895
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
This short story is set in the present, and it is narrated by a young woman who has just gotten married. She tells the reader that she has never met a man before, and that she does not even know how to talk to men. However, when she sees a man she admires, she realizes that the man is not just a man, but a "fiercely gay man" . The young woman asks the man to show her the flowers he gave her, but the man refuses, saying that the flowers would suit her better if they were given to a "virgin with low self-esteem" , and the young woman agrees to take them.
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I Can’t Believe You’re Hard! The Fierce Gay Man and the Virgin With Low Self-Esteem • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-5154895
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
This short story is set in the present, and it is narrated by a young woman who has just gotten married. She tells the reader that she has never met a man before, and that she does not even know how to talk to men. However, when she sees a man she admires, she realizes that the man is not just a man, but a "fiercely gay man" . The young woman asks the man to show her the flowers he gave her, but the man refuses, saying that the flowers would suit her better if they were given to a "virgin with low self-esteem" , and the young woman agrees to take them.
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