On the Precipice of Love at Age 33. I'm Being Coveted by a Cheeky Brat • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5176538
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
It's been a while since the two of them have felt each other's skin, and now they're having sex again. The narrator says that he's finally gotten used to feeling the other person's "skin" . He's also starting to get used to the fact that he can't really restrain himself from having sex with the other guy. He wants to "spike" the sex, but the pant says that's not going to happen. The pant says she'll pull the sex out once it's over, and the narrator says he'll do the same thing when he gets back to his own body. He says he loves the pant so much that it makes him want to squeeze it even more. He asks the pant not to be so close to his ear so he won't be able to feel his "love" for the pant. He also says that when they first met, he thought he was an "express journalist" , but then he realized that he was "too cute" to help him. He tells the pant to "tuck" him, and then he says, "I love you too . . I love you, too ." The pant asks the narrator to pull it out, and he agrees. They're going to be "all right," he says.
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On the Precipice of Love at Age 33. I'm Being Coveted by a Cheeky Brat • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5176538
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
It's been a while since the two of them have felt each other's skin, and now they're having sex again. The narrator says that he's finally gotten used to feeling the other person's "skin" . He's also starting to get used to the fact that he can't really restrain himself from having sex with the other guy. He wants to "spike" the sex, but the pant says that's not going to happen. The pant says she'll pull the sex out once it's over, and the narrator says he'll do the same thing when he gets back to his own body. He says he loves the pant so much that it makes him want to squeeze it even more. He asks the pant not to be so close to his ear so he won't be able to feel his "love" for the pant. He also says that when they first met, he thought he was an "express journalist" , but then he realized that he was "too cute" to help him. He tells the pant to "tuck" him, and then he says, "I love you too . . I love you, too ." The pant asks the narrator to pull it out, and he agrees. They're going to be "all right," he says.
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