On the Precipice of Love at Age 33. I'm Being Coveted by a Cheeky Brat • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5176524
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with the protagonist, a young man named Tommo, asking Tommo if he was angry with Anesaki the night before. Tommo says that he was not. He tells the protagonist that he is tired of talking about his love. He asks Tommo to take him to the market so that he can learn the ropes of the marketplace. The protagonist agrees to go with him. He then tells Tommo that he has seen Anesak fooling around with other young men. He says that this is because he is his usual self. He also says that his customers from the previous generation have come to trust him because they know he is honest and trustworthy. He adds that they have a finer eye than he does. After Tommo leaves, the protagonist asks him if he is still at the market. He replies that he too is there for work.
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On the Precipice of Love at Age 33. I'm Being Coveted by a Cheeky Brat • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5176524
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with the protagonist, a young man named Tommo, asking Tommo if he was angry with Anesaki the night before. Tommo says that he was not. He tells the protagonist that he is tired of talking about his love. He asks Tommo to take him to the market so that he can learn the ropes of the marketplace. The protagonist agrees to go with him. He then tells Tommo that he has seen Anesak fooling around with other young men. He says that this is because he is his usual self. He also says that his customers from the previous generation have come to trust him because they know he is honest and trustworthy. He adds that they have a finer eye than he does. After Tommo leaves, the protagonist asks him if he is still at the market. He replies that he too is there for work.
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