A Callboy’s Secret • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-5175683
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a short conversation between the protagonist and the protagonist's employer. The protagonist tells the employer that he is happy to be working for him, and that he would like to thank him for his hospitality. The employer tells the protagonist that he sometimes has guests who cannot be accommodated at work, and he simply asks the protagonist to accompany him to the place where they are to meet them. When the protagonist refuses, the employer tells him that he will have to pay for his own food and lodgings. He then tells her that he has gone out with the protagonist many times, and they have gone out to many different places. He asks her if she is happy with what she is getting, and she replies that she is, but she is worried that she will not be able to repay the employer for the hospitality he has given her. She then asks the employer if she can go to the coffee shop where the protagonist will be treated, and the employer replies that he cannot, as he is too perfect. He tells her to go see the movie she has recommended, which she has enjoyed, and apologizes for cutting the conversation short. The narrator then apologizes to the protagonist for the brevity of their conversation, and says that the story is a fiction and that it cannot be copied, distributed, republished, or altered in any way.
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A Callboy’s Secret • Chapter 9 • Page ik-page-5175683
Chapter 9
This is a locked chapterChapter 9
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a short conversation between the protagonist and the protagonist's employer. The protagonist tells the employer that he is happy to be working for him, and that he would like to thank him for his hospitality. The employer tells the protagonist that he sometimes has guests who cannot be accommodated at work, and he simply asks the protagonist to accompany him to the place where they are to meet them. When the protagonist refuses, the employer tells him that he will have to pay for his own food and lodgings. He then tells her that he has gone out with the protagonist many times, and they have gone out to many different places. He asks her if she is happy with what she is getting, and she replies that she is, but she is worried that she will not be able to repay the employer for the hospitality he has given her. She then asks the employer if she can go to the coffee shop where the protagonist will be treated, and the employer replies that he cannot, as he is too perfect. He tells her to go see the movie she has recommended, which she has enjoyed, and apologizes for cutting the conversation short. The narrator then apologizes to the protagonist for the brevity of their conversation, and says that the story is a fiction and that it cannot be copied, distributed, republished, or altered in any way.
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