A Callboy’s Secret • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-5175679
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
The novel opens with Toujou, a new concierge at a hotel in Paris. He's excited to be working with Hiroshi Aoyama, who's been kind enough to give him tickets to the art galleries. He asks shiina if she'd like to go with him to the gallery, and she says yes, but she doesn't want to go on the date with him after she's done with him. He tells her that he won't stop until he's found her "love's patient" , and that he'll keep trying until he finds her "a way into her heart" . Hiroshi is a long-time guest at the hotel, and he tries to cheer Hiroshi up whenever he sees that the young woman is in a bad mood. He also tells her to be careful around the other guests, because he wants to make sure that they don't get into trouble.
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A Callboy’s Secret • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-5175679
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
The novel opens with Toujou, a new concierge at a hotel in Paris. He's excited to be working with Hiroshi Aoyama, who's been kind enough to give him tickets to the art galleries. He asks shiina if she'd like to go with him to the gallery, and she says yes, but she doesn't want to go on the date with him after she's done with him. He tells her that he won't stop until he's found her "love's patient" , and that he'll keep trying until he finds her "a way into her heart" . Hiroshi is a long-time guest at the hotel, and he tries to cheer Hiroshi up whenever he sees that the young woman is in a bad mood. He also tells her to be careful around the other guests, because he wants to make sure that they don't get into trouble.
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