Have Me for Tonight ー Cunning, Sweet, and Racy Sex Right After Heartbreak • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5113826
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young protagonist, Nemo, tells his fiancee that he has been fired from his job and is now looking for a new one. He tells her that he is going to visit his grandmother's grave, but that the name of the grave is different from that of his mother's family. He apologizes for being so rude, and says that it is not a day like today, when he is supposed to be visiting his grandmother. He says that he loves his grandmother, and that she is his own grand mother. He asks his fiancee why she always drags him around, and she says that she does not want him to do such a thing.
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Have Me for Tonight ー Cunning, Sweet, and Racy Sex Right After Heartbreak • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5113826
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young protagonist, Nemo, tells his fiancee that he has been fired from his job and is now looking for a new one. He tells her that he is going to visit his grandmother's grave, but that the name of the grave is different from that of his mother's family. He apologizes for being so rude, and says that it is not a day like today, when he is supposed to be visiting his grandmother. He says that he loves his grandmother, and that she is his own grand mother. He asks his fiancee why she always drags him around, and she says that she does not want him to do such a thing.
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