Have Me for Tonight ー Cunning, Sweet, and Racy Sex Right After Heartbreak • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-5113821
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
"Have me for tonight" , the narrator tells the audience, is a pretty good way to say, "I'm going to have you for me tonight." The narrator asks the audience to imagine what it's like to be "too open to attacks" . He tells them that if they yearn for someone's touch, then they should have him for tonight. The narrator tells us that she's just been dumped by her boyfriend, and that she doesn't want him to do anything to her anymore. She wants him to kiss her, but he's already done that to her. She begs him to stop, even though she knows that she can't refuse him. She tells him to "plop rub" if he does anything more, and he does. She's so freaked out that she
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Have Me for Tonight ー Cunning, Sweet, and Racy Sex Right After Heartbreak • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-5113821
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
"Have me for tonight" , the narrator tells the audience, is a pretty good way to say, "I'm going to have you for me tonight." The narrator asks the audience to imagine what it's like to be "too open to attacks" . He tells them that if they yearn for someone's touch, then they should have him for tonight. The narrator tells us that she's just been dumped by her boyfriend, and that she doesn't want him to do anything to her anymore. She wants him to kiss her, but he's already done that to her. She begs him to stop, even though she knows that she can't refuse him. She tells him to "plop rub" if he does anything more, and he does. She's so freaked out that she
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