Back at the factory, we find out that Roxane is still alive. She's hiding out in the back of the factory with a bunch of other guys. She doesn't know where she's been or what's going on, but she does know that she'll be back soon. We're pretty sure that's not a good sign. Roxane's a little worried, though, because she knows that the other guys are going to be looking for her ASAP. She tells us that she has a plan to find Roxane and bring her back to the factory ASAP, but first she has to find a way to get rid of the "mache" in her name. She also has to figure out how to track down her co-worker, who's supposed to be at her factory with her when she gets back.
Back at the factory, we find out that Roxane is still alive. She's hiding out in the back of the factory with a bunch of other guys. She doesn't know where she's been or what's going on, but she does know that she'll be back soon. We're pretty sure that's not a good sign. Roxane's a little worried, though, because she knows that the other guys are going to be looking for her ASAP. She tells us that she has a plan to find Roxane and bring her back to the factory ASAP, but first she has to find a way to get rid of the "mache" in her name. She also has to figure out how to track down her co-worker, who's supposed to be at her factory with her when she gets back.