Party Boy, Do You Understand? • Chapter 16 • Page ik-page-5089862
Party Boy, Do You Understand? • Chapter 16 • Page ik-page-5014962
Party Boy, Do You Understand? • Chapter 16 • Page ik-page-5014959
Chapter 16
This is a locked chapterChapter 16
About This Chapter
Okay, now we're back to the party boy. He's still moping about how awesome it is that he's the only one in the group who doesn't have a crush on Eiji. Okay, so now you're the one who's trying to get Eiji to look at him . Oh, wait, what's that supposed to do? Well, it'll make Eiji look even more awesome. E
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Party Boy, Do You Understand? • Chapter 16 • Page ik-page-5089862
Party Boy, Do You Understand? • Chapter 16 • Page ik-page-5014962
Party Boy, Do You Understand? • Chapter 16 • Page ik-page-5014959
Chapter 16
This is a locked chapterChapter 16
About This Chapter
Okay, now we're back to the party boy. He's still moping about how awesome it is that he's the only one in the group who doesn't have a crush on Eiji. Okay, so now you're the one who's trying to get Eiji to look at him . Oh, wait, what's that supposed to do? Well, it'll make Eiji look even more awesome. E
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