I’ll Make You Come With Three Fingers~ Endless Caressing on the First Night • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4939249
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the narrator lamenting the fact that his fiancee is no longer with him. He feels that he has lost his touch with her, and that she has become too much of a burden to bear. He tells the narrator that he is sorry that he was so hasty in getting rid of her, but that he does not want more work to be caused by her. The narrator asks the narrator why he did not stop talking about her earlier in the day, and the narrator tells him that it was because he was worried about getting her back, and not because he even loved her. He then asks why the narrator did not tell him the whole story of what happened with his fiancee
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I’ll Make You Come With Three Fingers~ Endless Caressing on the First Night • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4939249
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the narrator lamenting the fact that his fiancee is no longer with him. He feels that he has lost his touch with her, and that she has become too much of a burden to bear. He tells the narrator that he is sorry that he was so hasty in getting rid of her, but that he does not want more work to be caused by her. The narrator asks the narrator why he did not stop talking about her earlier in the day, and the narrator tells him that it was because he was worried about getting her back, and not because he even loved her. He then asks why the narrator did not tell him the whole story of what happened with his fiancee
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