I’ll Make You Come With Three Fingers~ Endless Caressing on the First Night • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4821016
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the Governess's voice saying that she'll make the young lady come with three "fingers endless caressing" on her first night. The Governess wants to know why the young man is doing this, but she doesn't want to give him his punishment. Instead, she tells him to "prank" and "swoop" . She tells him that he can't say that while he's eating two of her fingers. He's not allowed to say that, and she's shocked that he would do such a thing. She asks him to press the "punishment" button on the switch, but he refuses to do so. He tells her that he'll "make you come" with three fingers "endless caressing" on his first night, and then he tells her she can have all of her caressed fingers on her second night. He says that he won't be able to lie to her about it, and that he will make her come with "three fingers endless caressssing" , and finally he asks her to kiss him. She's so shocked that she starts to cry. She realizes that he wants to "keep going" like this, and
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I’ll Make You Come With Three Fingers~ Endless Caressing on the First Night • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4821016
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the Governess's voice saying that she'll make the young lady come with three "fingers endless caressing" on her first night. The Governess wants to know why the young man is doing this, but she doesn't want to give him his punishment. Instead, she tells him to "prank" and "swoop" . She tells him that he can't say that while he's eating two of her fingers. He's not allowed to say that, and she's shocked that he would do such a thing. She asks him to press the "punishment" button on the switch, but he refuses to do so. He tells her that he'll "make you come" with three fingers "endless caressing" on his first night, and then he tells her she can have all of her caressed fingers on her second night. He says that he won't be able to lie to her about it, and that he will make her come with "three fingers endless caressssing" , and finally he asks her to kiss him. She's so shocked that she starts to cry. She realizes that he wants to "keep going" like this, and
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