I’ll Make You Come With Three Fingers~ Endless Caressing on the First Night • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4821021
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the newly wed couple apologizing for ruining their first night together. The couple tries to make amends, but the groom-turned-lover is not having it. He tells the couple that he has found his "own place in life" and that the couple should not "grab inter help" . The groom asks if he needs anything from his "em grip" , and the groom replies that he does. He says that what he's doing is a crime, and that if the couple keeps insisting on it, he'll "call the police." The couple asks each other if they're all right, and then the groom tells the bride-to-be that she's injured, and she apologizes, saying that she feels sorry for the groom. She says that the groom is "like a nurse," and that she doesn't remember him teaching her to be "so naughty." The groom tells her that he still wants her to stop kissing him, but she tells him to "plop pull too much," and he says that he can't "suck too much." She tells the groom to "squeeze well," and the couple says that they'll be back together soon.
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I’ll Make You Come With Three Fingers~ Endless Caressing on the First Night • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4821021
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the newly wed couple apologizing for ruining their first night together. The couple tries to make amends, but the groom-turned-lover is not having it. He tells the couple that he has found his "own place in life" and that the couple should not "grab inter help" . The groom asks if he needs anything from his "em grip" , and the groom replies that he does. He says that what he's doing is a crime, and that if the couple keeps insisting on it, he'll "call the police." The couple asks each other if they're all right, and then the groom tells the bride-to-be that she's injured, and she apologizes, saying that she feels sorry for the groom. She says that the groom is "like a nurse," and that she doesn't remember him teaching her to be "so naughty." The groom tells her that he still wants her to stop kissing him, but she tells him to "plop pull too much," and he says that he can't "suck too much." She tells the groom to "squeeze well," and the couple says that they'll be back together soon.
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