Wolf's Kiss

Wolf's Kiss • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-4750418
Wolf's Kiss • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-4750275
Wolf's Kiss • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-4750276
Wolf's Kiss • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-4750277
Chapter 20
This is a locked chapterChapter 20
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the Governess laments the fact that she is unable to return to the house because of the cold weather. She complains that she has not been able to sleep well because of her excessive consumption of wine and potato chips. The Governess tells the sleeping woman that if she does not wake up, she will have to change her clothes. She tells the woman that it is not proper for a woman to sleep in the house of another man, as she is not as dignified as the man she sleeps with. She also criticizes her for sleeping with a man who had bad intentions. She says that she had not been on guard when she met the man in her apartment, and that he had not had any intentions of doing anything to her. She asks why she is suddenly waking up, and he says it is because she is remembering the first time they went out together. He tells her to go to sleep, but she refuses, saying that she wants to be good. He then tells her that she can watch the scene again and that it will be a "precious memory" of their first night together. She then asks him to tell her if she is still drunk. He says that he was too busy to answer her questions, and she tells him that she did not want to miss him a little bit
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Wolf's Kiss

Wolf's Kiss • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-4750418
Wolf's Kiss • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-4750275
Wolf's Kiss • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-4750276
Wolf's Kiss • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-4750277
Chapter 20
This is a locked chapterChapter 20
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the Governess laments the fact that she is unable to return to the house because of the cold weather. She complains that she has not been able to sleep well because of her excessive consumption of wine and potato chips. The Governess tells the sleeping woman that if she does not wake up, she will have to change her clothes. She tells the woman that it is not proper for a woman to sleep in the house of another man, as she is not as dignified as the man she sleeps with. She also criticizes her for sleeping with a man who had bad intentions. She says that she had not been on guard when she met the man in her apartment, and that he had not had any intentions of doing anything to her. She asks why she is suddenly waking up, and he says it is because she is remembering the first time they went out together. He tells her to go to sleep, but she refuses, saying that she wants to be good. He then tells her that she can watch the scene again and that it will be a "precious memory" of their first night together. She then asks him to tell her if she is still drunk. He says that he was too busy to answer her questions, and she tells him that she did not want to miss him a little bit
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