The Only Who Can Look Inside Here Is Me, Right? Fierce Looking Girl and Adorably Perverted Boy • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-4816989
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we find out that Portia is the only person in the world who thinks badly of the two of them because they are in the same social circle as her. Portia tells us that her name does not really match her face, but that she is taller than others because she has a "face like that" . She says that people will think she is mad about something she knows, and that she looks scary to them. Portia says that this is what people tell her no matter where she goes, and she thinks that her "appearance" is what makes her attractive. She tells him that she loves him and that he is a "nice voice" and a "charming" person. He tells her that even though he thinks of her as the lead in his play, he does not yet think of her in this way. Portia asks him to practice some lines for her
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The Only Who Can Look Inside Here Is Me, Right? Fierce Looking Girl and Adorably Perverted Boy • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-4816989
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we find out that Portia is the only person in the world who thinks badly of the two of them because they are in the same social circle as her. Portia tells us that her name does not really match her face, but that she is taller than others because she has a "face like that" . She says that people will think she is mad about something she knows, and that she looks scary to them. Portia says that this is what people tell her no matter where she goes, and she thinks that her "appearance" is what makes her attractive. She tells him that she loves him and that he is a "nice voice" and a "charming" person. He tells her that even though he thinks of her as the lead in his play, he does not yet think of her in this way. Portia asks him to practice some lines for her
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