The Only Who Can Look Inside Here Is Me, Right? Fierce Looking Girl and Adorably Perverted Boy • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4581413
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
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The next morning, the Governess goes for a walk. When she arrives at the house, she greets everyone and tells them that the training camp will be held at Kedes' house. The Governess is relieved to see that the girl has made friends quickly. She tells the girl that she should try to improve her acting. The girl tries to lift her voice, but the voice doesn't come out. She tries to say a line from the scene in the script, but her voice is so weak that she can't say it easily. She asks the girl if she's sure she'll regret it, and the girl says that she is sure she will, but that she needs to say it louder so that "hell stop" loving her
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The Only Who Can Look Inside Here Is Me, Right? Fierce Looking Girl and Adorably Perverted Boy • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4581413
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The next morning, the Governess goes for a walk. When she arrives at the house, she greets everyone and tells them that the training camp will be held at Kedes' house. The Governess is relieved to see that the girl has made friends quickly. She tells the girl that she should try to improve her acting. The girl tries to lift her voice, but the voice doesn't come out. She tries to say a line from the scene in the script, but her voice is so weak that she can't say it easily. She asks the girl if she's sure she'll regret it, and the girl says that she is sure she will, but that she needs to say it louder so that "hell stop" loving her
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