The Only Who Can Look Inside Here Is Me, Right? Fierce Looking Girl and Adorably Perverted Boy • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4581412
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
It's lunchtime, and we're on the streets of New York City. We're walking down the street when we hear a girl's voice calling out, "Hey, it's time for me to go home. I'm feeling a little anxious, because I've got a crush on this guy." The girl is so excited to be home that she's even more excited when she sees two guys walking by. They look like they're "tall" , but the girl is "beau ijs" . The girl thinks that's because she looks more beautiful if she looks "confi dent," which is a fancy way of saying, "I'm beautiful." The two guys are so cool that the girl thinks they look like she got "praised" for looking so pretty. She's so excited that she decides to go back to the apartment and wait for the elevator. The two of them head off to find some panties, and the girl decides to "smell" them while they wait.
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The Only Who Can Look Inside Here Is Me, Right? Fierce Looking Girl and Adorably Perverted Boy • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4581412
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
It's lunchtime, and we're on the streets of New York City. We're walking down the street when we hear a girl's voice calling out, "Hey, it's time for me to go home. I'm feeling a little anxious, because I've got a crush on this guy." The girl is so excited to be home that she's even more excited when she sees two guys walking by. They look like they're "tall" , but the girl is "beau ijs" . The girl thinks that's because she looks more beautiful if she looks "confi dent," which is a fancy way of saying, "I'm beautiful." The two guys are so cool that the girl thinks they look like she got "praised" for looking so pretty. She's so excited that she decides to go back to the apartment and wait for the elevator. The two of them head off to find some panties, and the girl decides to "smell" them while they wait.
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