It's been a while since we've seen Judge, and now he's back at the shop. He's got a bunch of stuff missing from the store, and he'd like to know if they're really useful for cooking. He wants to ask Gil about it, but he doesn't know how to ask him. Gil's a little worried about what's going to happen to him now that the whole gang is gone. He asks Gil to show him something that only he can do, and Gil says that's not what he did to him. He says that the guy who was supposed to be in charge of the store was a member of the guild, and that he was fired because he wasn't loyal to the guild. He also says that Judge is being treated as a liar by the guild because he was the one who hired the guy to work in the store. Gil asks if he can poison the leader of the gang, and the guy says he can't, because he has an antidote for that. Gil is shocked that Gil would put poison in his mouth without thinking, and says that he threw a fit because he wanted attention, and cried when he got yelled at. Gil might get angry with him later, he says.
It's been a while since we've seen Judge, and now he's back at the shop. He's got a bunch of stuff missing from the store, and he'd like to know if they're really useful for cooking. He wants to ask Gil about it, but he doesn't know how to ask him. Gil's a little worried about what's going to happen to him now that the whole gang is gone. He asks Gil to show him something that only he can do, and Gil says that's not what he did to him. He says that the guy who was supposed to be in charge of the store was a member of the guild, and that he was fired because he wasn't loyal to the guild. He also says that Judge is being treated as a liar by the guild because he was the one who hired the guy to work in the store. Gil asks if he can poison the leader of the gang, and the guy says he can't, because he has an antidote for that. Gil is shocked that Gil would put poison in his mouth without thinking, and says that he threw a fit because he wanted attention, and cried when he got yelled at. Gil might get angry with him later, he says.