The scene opens with sakimura's declaration that he wants to "scare off" his lover. He's been feeling so good about himself lately that he's decided to "play with himself" . He wants to rub him in the back of the neck and make him feel sexy, but he can't do it because he feels so good in his own skin. Ooh, that's a good sign. He says he'd like to "spread twitch" to play with himself, but his fingers are in the wrong place, and he'll have to "stop ah jolt" , which is a fancy way of saying "swallow ah . . smack ah." Aww, that sounds a lot like "slap ah" and "cum ming" to us, right? . Oh, yeah, and we're not the only ones who feel this way. We're sure you've
The scene opens with sakimura's declaration that he wants to "scare off" his lover. He's been feeling so good about himself lately that he's decided to "play with himself" . He wants to rub him in the back of the neck and make him feel sexy, but he can't do it because he feels so good in his own skin. Ooh, that's a good sign. He says he'd like to "spread twitch" to play with himself, but his fingers are in the wrong place, and he'll have to "stop ah jolt" , which is a fancy way of saying "swallow ah . . smack ah." Aww, that sounds a lot like "slap ah" and "cum ming" to us, right? . Oh, yeah, and we're not the only ones who feel this way. We're sure you've