Back at the palace, the three men are waiting for the emperor to come down and tell them what happened. They're worried that the emperor has killed the son of the emperor. The three men tell the emperor that they're friends, but that the son is important to the fire department. The son says that he's seen the son wearing the lion symbol on the jade token, and that's the only way he can prove that the lion is his real identity. He also says that if the emperor lets the son in immediately, it'll still be dangerous. The emperor's wife says that she's sorry, but the son doesn't have any parents or relatives. He's just his master and wife's son. The brothers decide that they should leave the academy and settle the matter with the emperor since the son has been found. The two men decide to stay in the south and start a fire department there.
Back at the palace, the three men are waiting for the emperor to come down and tell them what happened. They're worried that the emperor has killed the son of the emperor. The three men tell the emperor that they're friends, but that the son is important to the fire department. The son says that he's seen the son wearing the lion symbol on the jade token, and that's the only way he can prove that the lion is his real identity. He also says that if the emperor lets the son in immediately, it'll still be dangerous. The emperor's wife says that she's sorry, but the son doesn't have any parents or relatives. He's just his master and wife's son. The brothers decide that they should leave the academy and settle the matter with the emperor since the son has been found. The two men decide to stay in the south and start a fire department there.